# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Noise FFT pipeline step."""
from astropy import log
from astropy.io import fits
import numpy as np
from sofia_redux.instruments.hawc.datafits import DataFits
from sofia_redux.instruments.hawc.stepparent import StepParent
__all__ = ['StepNoiseFFT']
class StepNoiseFFT(StepParent):
Take the FFT of diagnostic noise data.
The input to this step is lab data taken with CALMODE = 'NOISE'.
The output is a FITS file containing the power spectrum image
with pixels arrayed along the y-axis and frequencies arrayed
along the x-axis. Frequency values are stored in WCS keywords
in the header. The full FFT with linear frequencies is stored
in the primary image. Subsequent extensions contain binned
frequencies, in linear and log scales.
def setup(self):
Set parameters and metadata for the pipeline step.
Output files have PRODTYPE = 'noisefft', and are named with
the step abbreviation 'FFT'.
Parameters defined for this step are:
truncate : bool
If set, will truncate to an integer power of 2 number of
samples before taking the FFT.
# Name of the pipeline reduction step
self.name = 'noisefft'
self.description = 'Noise FFT'
# Shortcut for pipeline reduction step and identifier for
# saved file names.
self.procname = 'fft'
# Clear parameter list
self.paramlist = []
# add default parameters
self.paramlist.append(['truncate', False,
'Truncate time samples'])
def run(self):
Run the data reduction algorithm.
Because this step is single-in, single-out (SISO),
self.datain must be a DataFits object. The output
is also a DataFits object, stored in self.dataout.
The process is:
1. Convert the flux data to Amps/rtHz.
2. Take the FFT of the flux data for each pixel.
3. Bin the frequencies and average flux values within
each bin.
4. Store the data.
# get arguments
truncate = self.getarg('truncate')
# make new output data
self.dataout = DataFits(config=self.config)
self.dataout.filename = self.datain.filename
self.dataout.header = self.datain.header.copy()
# get raw flux data and reshape it
r_data = self.datain.table['R array']
t_data = self.datain.table['T array']
f_data = np.concatenate([r_data, t_data], axis=2)
nsamp, nrow, ncol = f_data.shape
npix = nrow * ncol
# magic numbers from hawcp_powspec IDL script,
# originally developed by J. Vaillancourt, 2011
# use value from IV curves
dac2squid = 12600. # counts / phi0
coil2squid = 3e-6 # Amp / phi0
inv_gain = coil2squid / dac2squid # Amp / count
# remove bottom 4 bits
inv_gain /= 4096.
# invert for proper gain
gain = 1.0 / inv_gain # counts / Amp
# unfiltered
gain /= 3.361
# convert counts to Amps
acdata = f_data / gain
# sample rate from header
samprate = self.dataout.getheadval('SMPLFREQ')
# time in seconds from first sample
time = np.arange(nsamp, dtype=float) / samprate
log.info(f'Total record time in file: {time[-1]} seconds')
# reshape data to 2D
acdata = acdata.reshape(nsamp, npix)
# truncate to integer power of 2 number of samples
# This was originally intended to make FFT more efficient
# in the IDL implementation, but numpy FFT is plenty fast,
# so it may no longer be needed.
if truncate:
tr = int(np.log(nsamp) / np.log(2))
nsamp = 2 ** tr
acdata = acdata[:nsamp, :]
time = time[:nsamp]
log.info(f'Truncating total time record to {time[-1]}')
# frequency vector
fmax = samprate / 2.0
df = samprate / nsamp
fmin = 10.0 * df
frange = [fmin, fmax]
freq = np.arange(nsamp, dtype=float) * df
# hanning window with discrete correction
h = 0.5 * (1 - np.cos(2 * np.pi
* (np.arange(nsamp, dtype=float) + 1.) / nsamp))
wss = (1. / nsamp) * np.sum(h ** 2)
# fft of samples for all channels, matching IDL norm convention
ft = np.fft.fft(h[:, None] * acdata, axis=0, norm='forward')
# linear frequency fft
psd = np.abs(ft) / np.sqrt(wss * df) * np.sqrt(2)
nsamp2 = nsamp // 2
psd = psd[0:nsamp2, :]
freq = freq[0:nsamp2]
# bin linear frequencies
nbin = 512
hist, edges = np.histogram(freq, bins=nbin, range=frange)
freq2 = np.empty(nbin)
signal = np.empty((nbin, npix))
for i in range(nbin):
freq2[i] = (edges[i] + edges[i + 1]) / 2
f_ind = (freq >= edges[i]) & (freq < edges[i + 1])
signal[i, :] = np.sum(psd[f_ind, :], axis=0) / np.sum(f_ind)
# bin log frequencies
logf_unbin = np.log10(freq)
hist, edges = np.histogram(logf_unbin, bins=nbin,
logfreq = np.empty(nbin)
logsignal = np.empty((nbin, npix))
for i in range(nbin):
logfreq[i] = (edges[i] + edges[i + 1]) / 2
f_ind = (logf_unbin >= edges[i]) & (logf_unbin < edges[i + 1])
logsignal[i, :] = np.sum(psd[f_ind, :], axis=0) / np.sum(f_ind)
# take the log of the signal too
loglogsignal = np.log10(logsignal)
loglogsignal[~np.isfinite(logsignal)] = np.nan
# save images in dataout
# linear frequency x pixels
psd_header = fits.Header({
'CTYPE1': 'FREQ', 'CTYPE2': 'Pixels',
'CUNIT1': 'Hz', 'CUNIT2': 'pixel',
'CRPIX1': 1, 'CRPIX2': 1,
'CRVAL1': freq[0], 'CRVAL2': 1,
'CDELT1': df, 'CDELT2': 1,
'BUNIT': 'Amps/rtHz'})
self.dataout.imageset(psd.T, imagename='FULL_FFT')
# binned linear frequency x pixels
signal_header = fits.Header({
'CTYPE1': 'FREQ', 'CTYPE2': 'Pixels',
'CUNIT1': 'Hz', 'CUNIT2': 'pixel',
'CRPIX1': 1, 'CRPIX2': 1,
'CRVAL1': freq2[0], 'CRVAL2': 1,
'CDELT1': freq2[1] - freq2[0], 'CDELT2': 1,
'BUNIT': 'Amps/rtHz'})
self.dataout.imageset(signal.T, imagename='LINEARFREQ',
# binned log frequency x pixels
logsignal_header = fits.Header({
'CTYPE1': 'FREQ-LOG', 'CTYPE2': 'Pixels',
'CUNIT1': 'Hz', 'CUNIT2': 'pixel',
'CRPIX1': 1, 'CRPIX2': 1,
'CRVAL1': logfreq[0], 'CRVAL2': 1,
'CDELT1': logfreq[1] - logfreq[0], 'CDELT2': 1,
'BUNIT': 'Amps/rtHz'})
self.dataout.imageset(logsignal.T, imagename='LOGFREQ',
# binned log signal, log freq
loglogsignal_header = fits.Header({
'CTYPE1': 'FREQ-LOG', 'CTYPE2': 'Pixels',
'CUNIT1': 'Hz', 'CUNIT2': 'pixel',
'CRPIX1': 1, 'CRPIX2': 1,
'CRVAL1': logfreq[0], 'CRVAL2': 1,
'CDELT1': logfreq[1] - logfreq[0], 'CDELT2': 1,
'BUNIT': 'log(Amps/rtHz)'})
self.dataout.imageset(loglogsignal.T, imagename='LOGFREQ_LOGSIGNAL',
# update SOFIA mandated keywords (since this is first pipe step)
obsid = 'P_' + self.dataout.getheadval('OBS_ID')
self.dataout.setheadval('OBS_ID', obsid)
self.dataout.setheadval('PROCSTAT', 'LEVEL_2')
self.dataout.setheadval('PIPELINE', 'HAWC_DRP',
'Data processing pipeline')
# set ASSC_AOR and ASSC_MSN value in output header
'Associated AORs')
except KeyError: # pragma: no cover
'Associated Mission IDs')
except KeyError: # pragma: no cover