Source code for sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.get_lines

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

import os

from astropy import log
import pandas

from sofia_redux.instruments import fifi_ls
from sofia_redux.toolkit.utilities import goodfile

__all__ = ['get_lines']

[docs] def get_lines(): """ Retrieve FIFI-LS lines of interest. Requires primary_lines.txt file in fifi_ls/data/line_lists. This file must have 2 columns: wavelength (um), and name. Returns ------- list of float, list of string Wavelengths and names for lines of interest. """ linefile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fifi_ls.__file__), 'data', 'line_lists', 'primary_lines.txt') if not goodfile(linefile, verbose=True): msg = "Cannot read line list file: %s" % linefile log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) names = ['wavelength', 'name'] df = pandas.read_csv(linefile, comment='#', names=names, delim_whitespace=True) return list(df['wavelength']), list(df['name'])