Source code for sofia_redux.instruments.exes.utils

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

import re

from astropy import log
from import fits
from astropy.time import Time
import numpy as np

from sofia_redux.toolkit.utilities.fits import getdata
from sofia_redux.toolkit.utilities.func import goodfile

__all__ = ['get_detsec', 'check_data_dimensions',
           'check_variance_dimensions', 'get_reset_dark',
           'set_elapsed_time', 'parse_central_wavenumber']

[docs] def get_detsec(header_or_str): """ Parse the DETSEC keyword in a header or from a string. DETSEC should be a string of the form "[xstart,xstop,ystart,ystop]" where each entry marks the beginning and end indices of a 2D. array (ny, nx). Parameters ---------- header_or_str : fits.Header or str Either a header containing the DETSEC keyword/value or a string containing the value. Returns ------- xstart, xstop, ystart, ystop : int, int, int, int The start and stop indices marking an area of a 2D array. """ if isinstance(header_or_str, fits.Header): detsec = header_or_str.get('DETSEC', 'UNKNOWN') nx = header_or_str.get('NSPAT') ny = header_or_str.get('NSPEC') else: detsec = header_or_str nx, ny = None, None if not isinstance(detsec, str): raise TypeError("Must supply a FITS header or string") if detsec == 'UNKNOWN' and None not in [nx, ny]: xstart = 0 xstop = nx ystart = 0 ystop = ny else: try: detsec = [int(x) for x in re.split(r'[\[\]\s:,]', detsec) if x != ''] except ValueError: raise ValueError("DETSEC must be of the format [#,#,#,#]") if len(detsec) != 4: raise ValueError("DETSEC must be of the format [#,#,#,#]") xstart, xstop, ystart, ystop = detsec xstart -= 1 ystart -= 1 if xstart < 0 or ystart < 0: raise ValueError( "Starting indices for DETSEC in x and y must be positive nonzero") return xstart, xstop, ystart, ystop
[docs] def check_data_dimensions(**kwargs): """ Check the data dimensions and return number of frames. Input data should be 2 or 3 dimensions, matching specified x and y sizes. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict May contain a 'params' key, containing a dict with 'data', 'nx', 'ny' input. Otherwise, it may contain 'data', 'nx', and 'ny' directly specified. The 'data' key should contain an array; 'nx' and 'ny' should specify its expected x and y dimensions, respectively. Returns ------- nz : int The number of frames in the input data cube. Returns 1 if the input has 2 dimensions. """ params = kwargs.get('params') if params is None: data = kwargs.get('data') nx = kwargs.get('nx') ny = kwargs.get('ny') else: data = params['data'] nx = params['nx'] ny = params['ny'] if data.ndim <= 2: nz = 1 else: nz = data.shape[0] if data.ndim == 2: check = data.shape != (ny, nx) elif data.ndim == 3: check = data.shape != (nz, ny, nx) else: check = True if check: raise RuntimeError return nz
[docs] def check_variance_dimensions(variance, nx, ny, nz): """ Check variance dimensions for expected shape. Parameters ---------- variance : numpy.ndarray 2D or 3D variance array to check. nx : int Expected x dimension. ny : int Expected y dimension. nz : int Expected z dimension (number of frames). Returns ------- valid : bool True if variance matches expected dimensions. """ if variance is None: return False if variance.ndim <= 2: nvz = 1 else: nvz = variance.shape[0] if variance.ndim == 2: check = variance.shape != (ny, nx) elif variance.ndim == 3: check = variance.shape != (nz, ny, nx) else: check = True if check or nvz != nz: raise RuntimeError return True
[docs] def get_reset_dark(header): """ Get a reset dark image from a file on disk. Dark files are expected to be single-extension FITS images containing raw dark data. If the input file contains multiple frames, the first one is returned as the reset dark. If a detector section is specified in the input header, the corresponding section is extracted from the full dark image. Parameters ---------- header : fits.Header FITS header containing a DRKFILE key, specifying the dark file to read. Returns ------- dark1s : numpy.ndarray The 2D dark image. """ darkfile = str(header.get('DRKFILE', 'UNKNOWN')) if not goodfile(darkfile, verbose=False): raise ValueError(f'Cannot open dark file {darkfile}')'Using reset dark file {darkfile}') dark = getdata(darkfile) # Take the shortest dark frame as the 'bias' xstart, xstop, ystart, ystop = get_detsec(header) try: if dark.ndim == 2: dark1s = dark[ystart:ystop, xstart:xstop] else: dark1s = dark[0, ystart:ystop, xstart:xstop] except (ValueError, IndexError): raise ValueError(f"Dark file has wrong dimensions " f"{repr(dark.shape)}.") from None return dark1s
[docs] def set_elapsed_time(header): """ Set the TOTTIME key in the header to the total elapsed time. Uses UTCSTART, UTCEND, and DATE-OBS keywords. Parameters ---------- header : fits.Header Header to update. """ # start/end is time only utcstart = header.get('UTCSTART', 'UNKNOWN') utcend = header.get('UTCEND', 'UNKNOWN') # get date from date-obs date = header.get('DATE-OBS', 'UNKNOWN') try: ymd = date.split('T')[0] start_time = Time(f'{ymd}T{utcstart}', scale='utc', format='isot').unix end_time = Time(f'{ymd}T{utcend}', scale='utc', format='isot').unix tottime = float(end_time - start_time) except (ValueError, TypeError): log.warning('UTCSTART/END not understood') return if tottime > 0: header['TOTTIME'] = tottime else: log.warning('UTCSTART/END not understood') return
[docs] def parse_central_wavenumber(header): """ Parse the central wavenumber from the input header. Typically, the WAVENO0 keyword is set in the raw data by the instrument control software according to the planned observation settings. However, it is usually insufficiently accurate for wavelength calibration purposes, so it may be overridden by a more accurate value in the WNO0 keyword. If WNO0 is set to a float value greater than zero, it is used as the central wavenumber. If not, WAVENO0 is used as the central wavenumber. Parameters ---------- header : The FITS header containing wavenumber keys. Returns ------- central_waveno : float The wavenumber determined from the input header. """ waveno0 = header.get('WAVENO0') wno0 = header.get('WNO0') try: wno0 = float(wno0) except (ValueError, TypeError): wnoc = waveno0 else: if wno0 == -9999 or wno0 <= 0 and waveno0 is not None: wnoc = waveno0 else: wnoc = np.abs(wno0) return wnoc