# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from astropy import log
import numpy as np
from sofia_redux.instruments.exes import tort as et
__all__ = ['debounce']
def debounce(data, header, abeams, bbeams, flat,
good_data=None, illum=None,
variance=None, spectral=False):
Correct for optics shifts between nods (bounces).
Each nod pair is undistorted, then the B nod is shifted slightly
in the spatial direction and differenced with the A nod. The
shift direction that results in a minimum squared difference
(summed over the spectral direction) is used as the bounce
The amplitude of the shift is controlled by the
bounce parameter (hdr['BOUNCE']), which should be set to a
number whose absolute value is between 0 and 1 (typically 0.1).
If the bounce parameter is set to a positive number, only the
above shift (the first-derivative bounce) will be corrected.
If the bounce parameter is set to a negative value (e.g. -0.1), the
debouncing algorithm will also attempt to fix the
second-derivative bounce by smoothing the A or B nod slightly;
the amount of smoothing is also controlled by the absolute value
of the bounce parameter.
Note that if the observed source is too near the edge of the order,
it may confuse the debouncing algorithm; in this case, it is usually
best to turn debouncing off (i.e. set the bounce parameter to 0).
data : numpy.ndarray
3D data cube [nframe, nspec, nspat].
header : fits.Header
Header of FITS file. May be updated in place.
abeams : array-like of int
Index numbers of A frames in data cube.
bbeams : array-like of int
Index numbers of B frames in data cube.
flat : numpy.ndarray
2D processed flat, as produced by makeflat [nspec, nspat].
good_data : numpy.ndarray, optional
Bad pixel array matching data shape indicating valid data
(True=good, False=bad).
illum : numpy.ndarray, optional
2D array of size [nspec, nspat] indicating illuminated regions of
the frame. 1 = illuminated, 0 = unilluminated, -1 = pixel that
does not correspond to any region in the raw frame (after
variance : numpy.ndarray, optional
3D array of size [nframe, nspec, nspat] of variance planes
corresponding to data.
spectral : bool, optional
If True, debounce is applied in the spectral direction instead
of the spatial.
corrected : numpy.ndarray
Corrected 3D data cube
params = _check_inputs(data, header, abeams, bbeams, flat, good_data,
illum, variance, spectral)
except ValueError as msg:
return data
if _bounce_confusion(params):
log.warning('Nodded source may confuse debounce')
success = _derive_bounce_for_pairs(params)
if not success:
return data
log.info(f"First derivative bounce parameters: "
if params['bounce'] < 0:
log.info(f"Second derivative bounce parameters: "
if params['nzero'] > 0:
if params['modes']['scan']:
log.info(f"{params['nzero']} pairs exceeded bounce limit")
log.info(f"Setting weight = 0 for {params['nzero']} pairs")
return params['bounce_data']
def _check_inputs(data, header, a_beams, b_beams, flat, data_mask,
illum, variance, spectral):
Check input shape and values.
Later functions in this step take the output params dictionary as
input and add to it or update it as output.
data : numpy.ndarray
header : fits.Header
a_beams: array-like of int
b_beams: array-like of int
flat : numpy.ndarray
data_mask : numpy.ndarray
illum : numpy.ndarray
variance : numpy.ndarray
spectral : bool
params : dict
Contains all input data, reformatted as needed.
Keys are:
- 'data': data array
- 'variance': variance array
- 'header': header object
- 'a_beams': list of A beam indices
- 'b_beams': list of B beam indices
- 'flat': flat array
- 'data_mask': mask array, ny x nx
- 'frame_mask': mask array, nz
- 'illum': illumination array
- 'spectral': spectral direction flag
- 'modes': dict with 'scan', 'nod', 'crossdisp' keys
- 'do_var': flag to indicate variance processing
- 'nz': number of frames
- 'ny': data shape, y-direction
- 'nx': data shape, x-direction
- 'bounce': bounce amplitude parameter
- 'skip_small': flag to indicate small bounces should be skipped
if header['BOUNCE'] == 0:
raise ValueError('Bounce factor = 0. Cannot apply debounce.')
nz = _check_data_dimensions(data, header)
except RuntimeError:
message = (f'Data has wrong dimensions '
raise ValueError(message)
do_var = _check_variance_dimensions(variance, header, nz)
except RuntimeError:
message = (f'Variance has wrong dimensions '
raise ValueError(message)
_check_beams(a_beams, b_beams, nz)
except RuntimeError:
message = ('A and B beams must be specified and numbers '
'must match.')
raise ValueError(message)
data_mask, frame_mask = _check_masks(data_mask, data)
except RuntimeError:
message = f'Provided mask has wrong dimensions {data_mask.shape}.'
raise ValueError(message)
if illum is None:
illum = np.ones_like(data[0])
modes = _check_obsmode(header)
params = {'data': data, 'variance': variance, 'header': header,
'a_beams': a_beams, 'b_beams': b_beams, 'flat': flat,
'data_mask': data_mask, 'frame_mask': frame_mask, 'illum': illum,
'spectral': spectral, 'modes': modes, 'do_var': do_var,
'nz': nz, 'ny': header['NSPEC'], 'nx': header['NSPAT'],
'bounce': header['BOUNCE'], 'skip_small': True}
return params
def _check_data_dimensions(value, header):
"""Check input data dimensions."""
if value.ndim <= 2:
nz = 1
nz = value.shape[0]
if (value.ndim not in [2, 3]
or value.shape[-1] != header['NSPAT']
or value.shape[1] != header['NSPEC']):
raise RuntimeError
return nz
def _check_variance_dimensions(variance, header, nz):
"""Check input variance dimensions."""
if variance is None:
return False
if variance.ndim <= 2:
vnz = 1
vnz = variance.shape[0]
if (nz != vnz
or variance.shape[-1] != header['NSPAT']
or variance.shape[1] != header['NSPEC']):
raise RuntimeError
return True
def _check_beams(abeams, bbeams, nz):
"""Check input beam definitions."""
if (len(abeams) == 0
or len(bbeams) == 0
or len(abeams) != len(bbeams)
or len(abeams) != nz // 2):
raise RuntimeError
def _check_masks(mask, data):
"""Check and reformat good data masks."""
if mask is None:
mask = np.full((data.shape), True)
elif mask.shape != data.shape:
raise RuntimeError
frame_mask = np.any(mask, axis=(1, 2))
data_mask = np.all(mask[frame_mask], axis=0)
return data_mask, frame_mask
def _check_obsmode(header):
"""Check and flag instrument configuration and mode."""
obsmode = str(header['INSTMODE']).upper()
instcfg = str(header['INSTCFG']).upper()
modes = dict()
modes['scan'] = obsmode in ['MAP', 'FILEMAP']
modes['nod'] = obsmode in ['NOD_ON_SLIT', 'NOD_OFF_SLIT']
modes['crossdisp'] = instcfg in ['HIGH_MED', 'HIGH_LOW']
return modes
def _bounce_confusion(params):
"""Check if debounce is likely to be confused by nodded sources."""
modes = params['modes']
header = params['header']
if modes['nod']:
nodamp = float(header['NODAMP'])
pltscl = float(header['PLTSCALE'])
spacing = float(header['SPACING'])
nbelow = float(header['NBELOW'])
checks = [int(header[key]) != -9999
for key in ['NODAMP', 'PLTSCALE', 'SPACING', 'NBELOW']]
if all(checks):
distance = nodamp / pltscl
slit_length = spacing - nbelow
if 0.6 * slit_length < distance < slit_length:
return True
return False
def _check_nonzero_data(params):
"""Check for valid, nonzero data."""
data = params['data']
frame_mask = params['frame_mask']
good = (data != 0) & np.isfinite(data)
data_nonzero = good[frame_mask].all(axis=0)
params['data_nonzero'] = data_nonzero.astype(bool)
def _check_neighbors(params):
"""Check for valid neighbors."""
nx = params['nx']
ny = params['ny']
data_mask = params['data_mask']
flat = params['flat']
data_nonzero = params['data_nonzero']
crossdisp = params['modes']['crossdisp']
spectral = params['spectral']
y, x = np.indices((ny, nx))
if (crossdisp and not spectral) or (spectral and not crossdisp):
params['direction'] = 'x'
axis = 1
bounds = (y - 1 >= 0) & (y + 1 < ny)
params['direction'] = 'y'
axis = 0
bounds = (x - 1 >= 0) & (x + 1 < nx)
data_check = ((_shift_2d_array(data_mask, -1, axis))
& (_shift_2d_array(data_mask, 1, axis))
& data_mask)
flat_check = ((_shift_2d_array(flat, -1, axis) != 0)
& (_shift_2d_array(flat, 1, axis) != 0)
& (flat != 0))
ok = data_nonzero & bounds & data_check & flat_check
if ok.sum() == 0:
raise ValueError('No good pixels in data array. '
'Not applying debounce')
params['ok_idx'] = ok
def _calc_bounce(params, subselect, a_coefficients, b_coeffients,
second_deriv=False, bounce=None):
"""Calculate the bounce variance for given coefficients."""
nx = params['nx']
ny = params['ny']
if bounce is None:
abs_bounce = np.abs(params['bounce'])
abs_bounce = bounce
direction = params['direction']
ok_idx = params['ok_idx']
a_data = params['a_data']
b_data = params['b_data']
header = params['header']
illum = params['illum']
var = list()
for a_coeff, b_coeff in zip(a_coefficients, b_coeffients):
shift_a = np.zeros((ny, nx), dtype=float)
shift_b = np.zeros_like(shift_a, dtype=float)
if second_deriv:
a_sub_diff = (subselect['am1'][ok_idx]
- 2 * a_data[ok_idx]
+ subselect['ap1'][ok_idx])
b_sub_diff = (subselect['bm1'][ok_idx]
- 2 * b_data[ok_idx]
+ subselect['bp1'][ok_idx])
a_sub_diff = (subselect['ap1'][ok_idx]
- subselect['am1'][ok_idx])
b_sub_diff = (subselect['bp1'][ok_idx]
- subselect['bm1'][ok_idx])
a_factor = a_coeff * abs_bounce * a_sub_diff
shift_a[ok_idx] = a_data[ok_idx] + a_factor
b_factor = b_coeff * abs_bounce * b_sub_diff
shift_b[ok_idx] = b_data[ok_idx] + b_factor
diff = shift_a - shift_b
diff = et.tort(diff, header, order=1, skew=True)
diff[illum != 1] = 0.
# Sum over order (wavelength direction) to calculate a variance
if direction == 'x':
# Sum over y (XD)
total = np.nansum(diff, axis=0)
# Sum over x (LS)
total = np.nansum(diff, axis=1)
var.append(np.nansum(total ** 2))
return np.array(var)
def _derive_bounce_for_pairs(params):
"""Derive and apply the bounce correction for each nod pair."""
abs_bounce = np.abs(params['bounce'])
data = params['data']
bounce_data = data.copy()
scan = params['modes']['scan']
variance = params['variance']
ok_idx = params['ok_idx']
first_deriv_shift = np.zeros_like(params['a_beams'], dtype=float)
second_deriv_shift = np.zeros_like(params['a_beams'], dtype=float)
frame_mask = params['frame_mask']
nzero = 0
skip_small = params['skip_small']
for i in range(len(params['a_beams'])):
a_frame = params['a_beams'][i]
b_frame = params['b_beams'][i]
# Check both A and B are good frames
if not (frame_mask[a_frame]
and frame_mask[b_frame]): # pragma: no cover
subselect = _subselect_data(params, a_frame, b_frame)
# Fix first derivative bounce by shifting B beams
# calculate variances of A-B for three bounce parameters
a_par = [0.0, 0.25, 0.0] # u, v, w
b_par = [-0.5, 0.25, 0.5]
var = _calc_bounce(params, subselect, a_par, b_par, second_deriv=False)
a, b = _var_application(var)
if a > 0:
bounce_amp = 0.5 * abs_bounce * b / a
log.warning(f"Can't find best 1st derivative "
f"bounce for pair {i + 1}")
if not scan:
# Marks these frames as bad
frame_mask[a_frame] = False
frame_mask[b_frame] = False
if frame_mask.sum() == 0:
log.error('No good frames remaining. '
'Not applying debounce')
return False
first_deriv_shift[i] = 0
nzero += 1
first_deriv_shift[i] = 0
nzero += 1
if np.abs(bounce_amp) > 2 * abs_bounce:
if not scan:
# Mark frames as bad
frame_mask[a_frame] = False
frame_mask[b_frame] = False
if frame_mask.sum() == 0:
log.error('No good frames remaining. '
'Not applying debounce')
return False
first_deriv_shift[0] = 0
nzero += 1
first_deriv_shift[i] = 0
nzero += 1
# Skip recalculation/shifting for small bounce_amp
if not skip_small or np.abs(bounce_amp) >= abs_bounce / 100.:
# Skip recalculation for scans
if scan: # pragma: no cover
b = 0
# Calculate bounce for minimum variance
a_par = [0.25, 0.0, 0.0]
b_par = [0.25, 0.5, 1.0]
var = _calc_bounce(params, subselect, a_par, b_par,
a, b = _var_application(var)
if a > 0 and np.abs(b / a) < 2:
bounce_amp = bounce_amp * (1 + b / (2 * a))
elif np.abs(bounce_amp) >= 0.1 * abs_bounce:
log.warning(f"Can't recalculate 1st derivative "
f"bounce for pair {i + 1}")
if not scan:
# Mark frame as bad
frame_mask[a_frame] = False
frame_mask[b_frame] = False
if frame_mask.sum() == 0:
log.error('No good frames remaining. '
'Not applying debounce')
return False
first_deriv_shift[i] = 0
nzero += 1
else: # pragma: no cover
# shouldn't be reachable
first_deriv_shift[i] = 0
nzero += 1
continue # pragma: no cover
# Shift b_data
first_deriv_shift[i] = bounce_amp
shift_b = data[b_frame].copy()
shift = 0.5 * bounce_amp * (subselect['bp1'][ok_idx]
- subselect['bm1'][ok_idx])
shift_b[ok_idx] = shift_b[ok_idx] + shift
bounce_data[b_frame] = shift_b
# Do the same for variance plane
if params['do_var']:
shift = ((0.5 * bounce_amp) ** 2
* (subselect['bp1'][ok_idx]
- subselect['bm1'][ok_idx]))
variance[b_frame][ok_idx] = variance[b_frame][ok_idx] + shift
# Fix 2nd derivative bounce by smoothing arr or brr
if params['bounce'] > 0:
a_par = [1.0, 0.5, 0.0]
b_par = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
var = _calc_bounce(params, subselect, a_par, b_par,
second_deriv=True, bounce=abs_bounce)
a, b = _var_application(var)
# Calculate bounce for minimum variance
if a > 0:
bounce_amp = 0.5 * abs_bounce * b / a
log.warning(f"Can't find best 2nd derivative bounce "
f"for pair {i + 1}")
if not scan:
# Mark frames as bad
frame_mask[a_frame] = False
frame_mask[b_frame] = False
if frame_mask.sum() == 0:
log.error('No good frames remaining. Not applying '
return False
second_deriv_shift[i] = 0
nzero += 1
second_deriv_shift[i] = 0
nzero += 1
if np.abs(bounce_amp) < abs_bounce / 100 and skip_small:
# correction is small, don't bother
second_deriv_shift[i] = 0
elif np.abs(bounce_amp) > 4 * abs_bounce:
if not scan:
# Mark frames as bad
frame_mask[a_frame] = False
frame_mask[b_frame] = False
if frame_mask.sum() == 0:
log.error('No good frames remaining. Not applying '
return False
second_deriv_shift[i] = 0
nzero += 1
second_deriv_shift[i] = 0
nzero += 1
# Skip recalculation for scans
recalc = False
if not scan:
recalc = True
# Calculate bounce for minimum variance
if bounce_amp < 0:
a_par = [1.0, 1.5, 2.0]
b_par = [1.0, 0.5, 0.0]
a_par = [1.0, 0.5, 0.0]
b_par = [1.0, 1.5, 2.0]
var = _calc_bounce(params, subselect, a_par, b_par,
second_deriv=True, bounce=np.abs(bounce_amp))
a, b = _var_application(var)
if recalc and a > 0 and np.abs(b / a) < 2:
bounce_amp = bounce_amp * (1 + 0.5 * b / a)
second_deriv_shift[i] = bounce_amp
elif np.abs(bounce_amp) < 0.1 * abs_bounce:
second_deriv_shift[i] = bounce_amp
log.warning(f"Can't recalculate 2nd derivative bounce "
f"for pair {i + 1}")
if not scan:
# Mark frames as bad
frame_mask[a_frame] = False
frame_mask[b_frame] = False
if frame_mask.sum() == 0:
log.error('No good frames remaining. Not applying '
return False
second_deriv_shift[i] = 0
nzero += 1
second_deriv_shift[i] = 0
nzero += 1
# Smooth a or b data
if bounce_amp < 0:
smooth = data[a_frame].copy()
factor = (subselect['am1'][ok_idx]
- 2 * smooth[ok_idx]
+ subselect['ap1'][ok_idx])
smooth[ok_idx] = smooth[ok_idx] + np.abs(bounce_amp) * factor
bounce_data[a_frame] = smooth
# Do the same for variance
if params['do_var']:
smooth_v = variance[a_frame]
factor = (subselect['vam1'][ok_idx]
+ 4 * variance[a_frame][ok_idx]
+ subselect['vap1'][ok_idx])
smooth_v[ok_idx] = smooth_v[ok_idx] + bounce_amp ** 2 * factor
variance[a_frame] = smooth_v
smooth = data[b_frame].copy()
factor = (subselect['bm1'][ok_idx]
- 2 * smooth[ok_idx]
+ subselect['bp1'][ok_idx])
smooth[ok_idx] = smooth[ok_idx] + np.abs(bounce_amp) * factor
bounce_data[b_frame] = smooth
# Do the same for variance
if params['do_var']:
smooth_v = variance[b_frame]
factor = (subselect['vbm1'][ok_idx]
+ 4 * variance[b_frame][ok_idx]
+ subselect['vbp1'][ok_idx])
smooth_v[ok_idx] = smooth_v[ok_idx] + bounce_amp ** 2 * factor
variance[b_frame] = smooth_v
params['first_deriv_shift'] = first_deriv_shift
params['second_deriv_shift'] = second_deriv_shift
params['nzero'] = nzero
params['bounce_data'] = bounce_data
return True
def _var_application(var):
"""Calculate paramters from variance."""
a = var[0] - 2 * var[1] + var[2]
b = var[0] - var[2]
return a, b
def _subselect_data(params, a_frame, b_frame):
"""Shift data plus and minus 1."""
data = params['data'].copy()
variance = params['variance']
params['a_data'] = params['data'][a_frame].copy()
params['b_data'] = params['data'][b_frame].copy()
results = dict()
if params['direction'] == 'x':
axis = 1
axis = 0
frames = {'a': a_frame, 'b': b_frame}
shifts = {'p': -1, 'm': 1}
for f, frame in frames.items():
for s, shift in shifts.items():
arr = _shift_2d_array(data[frame], shift, axis)
results[f'{f}{s}1'] = arr
if params['do_var']:
arr = _shift_2d_array(variance[frame], shift, axis)
results[f'v{f}{s}1'] = arr
return results
def _shift_2d_array(data, n, axis):
"""Apply a shift to 2D data along a specified axis."""
if n == 0:
return data
shifted = np.roll(data, n, axis=axis)
if axis == 0:
# Shift up/down
if n >= 0:
# Shift down
fill = data[0, :]
shifted[:n, :] = np.expand_dims(fill, axis=axis)
# Shift up
fill = data[-1, :]
shifted[n:, :] = np.expand_dims(fill, axis=axis)
# Shift left/right
if n >= 0:
# Shift right
fill = data[:, 0]
shifted[:, :n] = np.expand_dims(fill, axis=axis)
# Shift left
fill = data[:, -1]
shifted[:, n:] = np.expand_dims(fill, axis=axis)
return shifted