# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Query the Horizons database at JPL for object information"""
import sys
import astroquery.jplhorizons as aj
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
print('\nAstroquery.jplhorizons not found.')
print('Install with:')
print('\tconda install -c conda-forge astroquery\n')
from astropy.time import Time
def asteroid_query(target, date, time):
Queries the JPL Horizons database for asteroid information.
Asteroids require additional handling beyond what's needed
for planets, so they need a separate function.
target : str
Name of asteroid
date : datetime.Date, str
Date of observation (UTC)
time : datetime.Time, str
Time of observation (UTC)
params : dict
Dictionary a of query results. Keys incude:
- julian : Julian date of observation
- albedo : Geometric albedo
- gmag : Magnitude slope parameter
- radius : Radius of the asteroid [km]
- delta : Distance between asteroid and Earth [AU]
- r : Distance between asteroid and Sun [AU]
- phi : Phase angle (S-E-O) [deg]
obj, timepoint = horizons_object(target, date, time)
elements = get_elements(obj)
ephem = get_ephemerides(obj)
returned_name = verify_object_name(obj)
print(f'\nQuery: {date}, {time}, Target = {returned_name}')
params = parse_elements(elements, ephem, timepoint)
return params
def simple_query(target, date, time):
Query the JPL Horizons database to get the distance to the target.
target : str
Name of the object
date : str
Date of observation (UTC)
time : time
Time of observation (UTC)
params : dict
Dictionary of results. Keys included:
- julian : Julian date of obsevation
- delta : Distance between Earth and target [AU]
t = Time(f'{date}T{time}', format='isot', scale='utc')
# Set up the query
# To avoid all confusions, use the id number for each target
codes = dict()
codes['uranus'] = '799'
codes['neptune'] = '899'
codes['ganymede'] = '503'
codes['callisto'] = '504'
if target.lower() in codes:
code = codes[target.lower()]
print('Unknown target. Attempting anyways, but verify')
print('output before using it.')
code = target
obj = aj.Horizons(id=code, location='399', epochs=t.jd)
# Get the orbital elements and ephemerides
ephem = obj.ephemerides()
# Parse out the distance from Earth to the target, which is
# in a table section whose start is denoted by $$SOE and end
# is denoted by $$EOE
delta = ephem['delta'].data[0]
params = dict()
params['julian'] = t.jd
params['delta'] = delta
return params
def horizons_object(target, date, time):
Configure an object to query Horizons.
target : str
Name of the astronomical object.
date : str, timedate.date
Date of observation.
time : str, timdate.time
Time of observation.
obj : astroquery.jplhorizons.core.HorizonsClass
Horizons object ready for query.
t : astropy.time.core.Time
Time of observation in ISO format.
timestring = f'{date}T{time}'
t = Time(timestring, format='isot', scale='utc')
# Set up the query
if 'ceres' in target.lower():
target = 'Ceres'
elif 'vesta' in target.lower():
target = 'Vesta'
elif 'juno' in target.lower():
target = 'Juno;'
obj = aj.Horizons(id=target, location='399', epochs=t.jd)
return obj, t
def get_elements(obj):
Query Horizons for orbital elements.
obj : astroquery.jplhorizons.core.HorizonsClass
Horizons object ready for query.
elements : str
Raw output of query.
elements = obj.elements(get_raw_response=True)
return elements
def get_ephemerides(obj):
Query Horizons for ephemerides.
obj : astroquery.jplhorizons.core.HorizonsClass
Horizons object ready for query.
ephem : astropy.table.table.Table
Ephemerides of object at observation.
ephem = obj.ephemerides()
return ephem
def verify_object_name(obj):
Double-check that the Horizons query was for the correct object.
obj : astroquery.jplhorizons.core.HorizonsClass
Horizons object ready for query.
returned_name : str
Name of object pulled from query.
# Get the target name and print it for user verification
aj.Conf.eph_quantities = '"1,9,19,20,23,24"'
e = obj.ephemerides()
returned_name = e['targetname'].data[0]
return returned_name
def parse_property(elements, prop):
Parse orbital elements for physical property.
elements : str
Raw output of query to Horizons for orbital elements.
prop : str
Name of the property to search for.
value : float
Value of `prop` contained in `elements`.
lines = [ln for ln in elements.split('\n')
if f' {prop.lower()}=' in ln.lower()]
value = float(lines[0].split(f'{prop.upper()}=')[1].split()[0])
return value
def parse_elements(elements, ephem, timepoint):
Parse out key fields from Horzions query results.
elements : str
Raw output of query to Horizons for orbital elements.
ephem : astropy.table.table.Table
Output of query to Horizons for ephemerides.
timepoint : astropy.time.core.Time
Timepoint of observation.
params : dict
Key values of interest needed for generating a
thermal model of the object.
# Parse out albedo
albedo = parse_property(elements, 'albedo')
gmag = parse_property(elements, 'g')
radius = parse_property(elements, 'rad')
# r, delta, and phi are in a table section whose start
# is denoted by $$SOE and end is denoted by $$EOE
r = ephem['r'].data[0]
delta = ephem['delta'].data[0]
phi = ephem['alpha'].data[0]
params = dict()
params['julian'] = timepoint.jd
params['albedo'] = albedo
params['gmag'] = gmag
params['radius'] = radius
params['delta'] = delta
params['r'] = r
params['phi'] = phi
return params